poniedziałek, 29 października 2012


Wonderful Greece

James Ellis

ke te gustariia aserme komenta??

Tom Daley posing completely nude with just a piece of paper covering his d*ck! What do you think??

The Quality Quantity Conundrum

The Quality Quantity Conundrum

The eternal quandary faced by all writers is the one of priority. Is quality more important than quantity, or is it the other way round? As far as I know, no one has yet published a mathematical formula to get us all out of the fix. Everyone has to decide for themselves, accordingly. And you can always blame google if your articles don't find any readers.

The answer is one of balance. You have to find the way to balance across an abyss on a tight rope. If you are too finnicky about what you publish, you will never reach the other side; if you are too sloppy, you'll slip and fall down. A picture that comes to mind is from Dr Doolittle: The push-me-pull-you embodies how you have to harness the two opposing forces in your writing life.

It depends, too, on who you are. I am not a native English speaker. I sometimes marvel at the speed with which some writers are able to push out articles. I do have to go a bit slower to avoid as many mistakes as possible. Others might have even more problems with English and would have to go even slower about publishing anything. Your speed is only for you to decide, and don't try to compare it to others' output because basic circumstances might be very different from yours.

Don't stress yourself to publish an article before you think it is ready. Don't dither over it on the other hand. If you have made a mistake in it, you may always claim that you did as the Amish do: Only God is perfect, and therefore a mistake has to be included in any work.

Djokovic Plays Top to Nadal Bottom

Djokovic Plays Top to Nadal Bottom

Novak Djokovic and Rafael Nadal played an epic final in Melbourne's Australian Open to establish the pecking order in men's tennis. In the longest grand slam final ever played, both players had their ups and downs until Djokovic established who has the longer stick. Beating Nadal over five long sets, he defended his title from the previous year.

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Rafael Nadal established domination over Novak Djokovic in the first set but slipped badly under in the following two. When he seemed to be coming out bottom in the fourth set, though, Nadal managed to slip Novak's grip and go into a decider. In the end, Djokovic was more efficient in channelling aggression and won it all.

The high level of tennis played by both participants makes me look forward to this year's season with anticipation. With the four top contestants offering tennis of nearly equal high standard as in Australia, the coming tournaments should become an open battlefield. Only time will tell which one will become the dominating force this year, but Djokovic definitely has the possibility now to complete the Djoker slam if he can add the French open to his palmares in summer.

I don't know if Rafael and Novak continued their up and down in the whirlpool as in one of my pictures, but that would be something to watch, too.

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